[Stylenanda/3CE] Visual Designer - Global Media Team, Digital/MKT Division

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- Understand business and stakeholders¡¯ needs with challenges for Digital Contents
- Optimize the main source for various content styles
- Develop and suggest the design guidelines with Media mangers to Improve original sources
- Share the design trends and leverage the layout 
- Manage the sources and share the visuals with direct & indirect users with guidelines
- Communicate demanding to improve original source quality
- Manage Performance and KPIs with Media managers build continuous improvement strategy for financial and non-financial KPIs.

- Constant communication with Creative house/Content Studio/external design/content partners to develop design 
- Collect market trend and useful information to enrich media content qualities
- Give Training/supports to internal & external specialist to improve their skills 
- Monitoring overseas¡¯ social contents and give them design feedback/guidelines

- University graduate
- Minimum 2 years in Visual / Web design
- Working Experiences as a Visual designer or web designer for SNS contents or Website Contents such as Banners, PDP. 
- Understanding for Social Guidelines and Advertising guidelines such as Naver Mobile Banner Design/Font size in Facebook ads.
- Having mid- level of knowledge on Product Detail Page (PDP) in Website 
- Prefer Experience / knowledge on Editing tool (Premiere, Shaker, etc,.)
- Prefer to have experience for shooting/developing storyboard.
- Korean, English 
- Proficient with Photoshop and Premiere (Any Video editing skill)
- Active communicator 
- Good at social contents trend

[Apply Now]

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