Creating ideas for fixing issues in parallel way of working and developing solution

Good communication in and out side of PC CA, with operations, network like univerties, research institute, other PC's R&D and Division's experts, NTV, CTT.

Always keep challenging idea byself and keep maintaining behaviour coutinuous improvement in a way of innovative and creative thinking.

Open mind, respecful, humble and non-biased view of behaviour for peer, colleagues and experts

Proactive supporting NPI, TSG, NTV if necessary and/or requested

Observing various rules defined and noticed by company

1. Basically co-work with NTV as below sequence

          Developing Ideas, Recorning Log book,   Communication with NTV  and  Go next step with NTV¡¯s technical guide

      2. Parallel solution development for simple and low level issues in PCCA

• When technical issue raised during NPI or from field, TAT can be developing parallel solution to fix as back up discussed and agreed.

• Feasibility for Legacy motor efficiency improvement

• Project with university like inverter improvement, Active filter integrated inverter development against harmonic noise

• New mechanical contact free heater module development(already TD sample available)

      3. More complex/High level solution or technology with NTV¡¯s cooperation

• Feasibility study for single motor equipped IXL900/500R, IXL1500, not with 2 motor, Reducing motor and inverter for both DP and MB pumps and high power motor         
        development, 22KW

• Technology roadmap development

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