채용사 : 글로벌 top it 컨설팅사 (전세계 3조원 매출)국내지사 : 내외국인 포함 약 100명 활동중 포지션 : Sales Director / Director요구경력 : 10~15년근무지 : 서울 중구고용조건 : 1년 계약직 (기간연장 가능)처우 : 1.2억(기본) + 인센티브 자격요건 • Consulting / Sales & Solutioning experience in Hyperscalars (AWS/Azure/GCP/Others) • Good Communication skills (+written and verbal skills in English) - Bilingual • Hands on experience in Public Cloud Migration in Korea • Strong Presentation skills & Executive Presence• Commercial acumen• Graduate from reputed Korean University or abroad• Worked on international projects with multi-cultural teams 역할 1 Sales• Account Management• New logo pursuits (RFP / Pre-emptive)• Lead Sales Solutioning for Public/Hybrid Cloud